Image-57: Ascent to the Kaunergrat Hütte from Verpeilhütte, Austria - Studio Karel © 1973/08

Studio Karel ...

Welcome to Studio Karel, a depository of some of the material I have been producing over the years as a graphic designer and, since my retirement in 2019, increasingly as a photographer. I'm now looking forward to create some new, more personal, graphic work here at home and, while out and about with the camera, I aim to look at my world more patiently and with an enlightened eye.

Latest material ...

You will find the latest images and albums on Flickr where you can also find out more about the photographs. See also my photo-essays and travel photography.

Winter 2022 - Nepal
2022-11 - Nepal
Winter 2021 - Traprain Law Walk
Winter 2021 - Traprain Law 210124

Please note that all images on this website are copyrighted by Studio Karel. Of course I cannot stop you from taking and using this material, but if you do, please be fair and give credit to the source. Photographs with people, numberplates and other recognisable markings or branding, generally known as editorials, cannot be used for commercial purposes. The images I post on-line are generally 1800x1200 pixels and they all carry a watermark, but if you would like high resolution copies of these photos (up to 6000x4000 pixels) without the watermark, please get in touch as I may offer material for sale. Some of this material may also be available on Shutterstock. For all black and white images I will also have a colour equivalent. I do not do photoshoots or other commersial work, but I'm always open for ideas.

I don't do Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Google+ or similar social media sites. I may, from time to time, tweet or pin something.

Bass Rock from coast, East Lothan

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SBB Clock courtesy of 3Quarks

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